Kunyit Mountain, Volcano With Garden of the Gods at its Summit

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Biblegardens.org - Kunyit Mountain is one of the mountain in Kerinci district. Volcano is known to be very mystical, and often the place to look for mysticism. Offers a panoramic view of the park gods at its peak, as well as a beautiful view of the hills and the Indian Ocean.

Kunyit Mountain is one of the mountain in Kerinci district. Volcano is known to be very mystical, and often the place to look for mysticism. Offers a panoramic view of the park gods at its peak, as well as a beautiful view of the hills and the Indian Ocean.

Administratively, Kunyit Mountain lies in Talang Kemuning, District of Gunung Raya, Kerinci, Jambi province. The mountain location is approximately is approximately 32 kilometers from the River City Full, and can be reached by traveling for 30 minutes to an hour. The climb can be started from Talang Kemuning, and to get to this village visitors can use a private vehicle or ride public transportation.

Not easy to mengapai Kunyit Mountain, because it takes a physical specimen and preparation. Beginning of the journey, the stretch of cinnamon forest will accompany the ascent. The fragrance of the plant can be felt. For approximately one and a half hour through the woods cinnamon was changed more extreme terrain and challenging.

The charm of Kunyit Mountain

Cinnamon forest gave way to thick jungle as if still untouched by human hands. Hiking uphill extreme nan became a hurdle that must be overcome. The road that dominated the land will be muddy and slippery after rain, boots will be very helpful on the way to the summit of Kunyit Mountain.

Kunyit Mountain has a height that reaches 2,151 meters above sea level. Mountains are in the category of this stratovolcano is also a place to stay for the Sumatran tiger is known malignant. Climber was advised to keep vigilant on the way to the summit, and preferably using a guide from the local village.

Sulfur yellow like saffron, the basis for the naming of this mysterious mountain. Not only the color, but the scent of sulfur that stung like turmeric are increasingly assert it. This mountain has two craters at its peak, but there is no single person who managed to get to the location of the crater.

Mount also has another name of this sulfur mythical hill. In fact, local people believe this place is often used to meditate and gain mysticism. That said, the hero of Kerinci Depati Parbo ever vigil on this mountain for guidance to the creator before fought against the Dutch.

Miraculously, tin heat released by Dutch soldier was unable to penetrate the body Depati Parbo. Until now, there are still some people who meditated on Kunyit Mountain. In addition to various mystical tale, this mountain also has a nature park called the Garden of the Gods. Not only that, others say there are hot springs and gold mine in the mountain.

It is quite unique, there is a natural park on the summit of the mountain . As arranged by itself, the park is surrounded by green trees and a variety of beautiful plants around it. Manicured lawns are increasingly beautify the garden, so that it becomes an attraction for hikers.

The time needed to reach the summit of Kunyit Mountain is about 6 hours drive. While at the summit, visitors can enjoy a variety of charming scenery like a row of green hills, the Indian Ocean as well as panoramic Mukomuko.

Amenities Kunyit Mountain

In villages around the starting point of the climb, there are several facilities that can be found by visitors. As some homestay and accommodation are reasonably priced, and is also equipped with various facilities such as bathrooms, parking lots, as well as the mosque. The vehicles were taken climbers can be deposited at the homestay.

During the climb the mountain, visitors are expected to bring food and drinks to taste. This is to meet the needs of climbers on a mountain top moment. Because on the mountain will not find a seller or trader of food. There are also services of a guide from the local village youth that can be used to guide the way to the top of the mountain.

If you are a nature lover then this shall ye Kunyit Mountain visit, here are some activities you can do while on a mountain top.

Enjoying Natural Beauty

Climbing Kunyit Mountain could provide a new experience for you if you an adventurous hobby. During the trip alone you are already greeted with a variety of beautiful scenery in the form of cinnamon woods and lush jungles. The beauty of the peaks could not be described with words, the stretch of green hills, the Indian Ocean and Garden of the Gods so delicious to the eye.
Actually, on top of this mountain, there are two craters menyeburkan sulfur gas. But do not go near the crater as if the smell of sulfur gas, it could endanger the safety of your soul. Nan journey tiring and exhausting for approximately 6 hours will be paid off, with the panorama of peaks that will hypnotize your eyes.

Camping at the Top

Adventure in the wild, it is not complete if you do not enjoy the beauty of the night on the summit of Kunyit Mountain. You can set up tents at the top, and choose the best place to stay overnight. While the whole night, you can enjoy the expanse of stars in the sky are beautiful, along with the sparkling lights of the settlement Mukomuko
In the evening weather is very cold, you can burn dry wood to create a campfire. Cup of hot coffee will accompany the beautiful night on the mountain top. You can relax and enjoy the evening, and chat with friends and relatives nearby. Remain cautious and vigilant when bercamping, because this mountain is home to the Sumatran tiger.

Hunting Foto

Incomplete if the ascent of Kunyit Mountain is, you did not bring a camera. Very loss was great variety nan stunning natural panorama that is at the top if you do not capture it. If you're a photographer who like hunting the beauty of nature, this place is also very suitable as a destination hunting photos.

You can get a variety of interesting view over the top, and you can also find other spots for portraits maximum results. Do not forget to berselfie capture the moment on the summit. You can take advantage of a variety of scenery in the background. Like a row of green hills, selfie at Garden of the Gods, or the background of the Indian ocean.

So little discussion of the Kunyit Mountain, Volcano With Garden of the Gods at its summit hopefully with this restriction can add insight and knowledge to all of us, thank you very much for visiting.

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