How to Growing Orchids Plant Care from Seed Inside for Beginners to Fast Flowering

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growing an orchid indoors

How to growing orchids - Orchids are ornamental plants that flowers are very beautiful. Orchid has been known to humans since 200 years ago and then since the last 50 years began cultivated in Indonesia.

The center of orchid plants in Europe is England, while in Asia is Thailand. In Indonesia, many orchids are located in West Java, Central Java, Sumatra and in Irian Jaya.

Types of orchids

Types of orchids in Indonesia including the beautiful types of diataranya namely: Vanda tricolor (located in West Java and in Kaliurang), Vandahookeriana (colored purple spots originating from Sumatra), orchid or Dendrobium phalaenopsis orchid moon or Phalaenopsis amabilis, Paphiopedilun praestans orchids from Irian Jaya and Paphiopedilun glaucophyllum orchids originating from Central Java.

Ornamental orchid plants can be distinguished by the nature of life into 3, namely:

  • Orchid Ephytis is a type of orchid that rides on another tree trunk but does not damage or harming the boarding. The tool used to stick is the root, while the root whose function is to search for food is the root of air.
  • The semi-Ephthithic orchid is a type of orchid attached to a tree or other plant but does not damage the landing, only its sticky roots also function like aerial roots ie to find food to thrive.
  • Orchid Terrestris is a type of orchid that lives on the ground. This type of orchid is also widely cultivated

Tips and How to Plant Orchid Flowers to Flower Fast

Ornamental orchid plants can grow in various altitude places. This plant can grow from 0 to 5,000 m above sea level.

Types of orchids that grow in the lowlands (about 0-300 m above sea level) include Acampe praemorsa, Pholidota imbricata, Cymbidium aloifolium, and Vanda roxburghii.

While the type of highland orchid (an altitude of about 3,500- 5,000 m above sea level) are Bulbophyillum retusiusculum, Habenaria cumminsiana, Nervilia macroglossa, Pleione maculate, Herminium longilobatum, and so on.

The orchid morphology structure of orchid plants, especially the flowers are very interesting. This plant is an annual herbaceous plant, which grows in various climatic conditions.

Types of orchids exist in bushes or trees and are referred to as wild orchids, some live on soil or so-called terrestrial, some live in rocks and are called lithophytes, which live in plant remains are epiphytes, whereas those grown in water such as Rhizanthella and Cryptanthemis called semikuatik.

Ornamental orchid plants are not parasitic, so it does not harm other plants. This plant meets the need for food itself from the process of photosynthesis, and even survive for months though without treatment.

Ornamental orchid cultivation will work well if the natural growing environment can be fulfilled. Genetic factors are an important factor in the growth and flowering of orchids.

However, environmental factors also play a role determining the success of ornamid ornamental plants cultivation. Some environmental factors that affect the growth of this plant are temperature, humidity and sunlight.

Broadly speaking the orchid flowers are divided into 3 types of orchids Epiphyt, Semi Epiphyt and orchids Terrestris or orchid soil. The three types of orchids have been discussed earlier. Some tips I can give you are:

Tips Media Flower Orchid Orchid
orchid growing conditions

In the orchid cultivation of orchids you need to know the media or a place to grow suitable orchid flowers according to the type of orchid.

The real orchid cultivation is not too difficult for ordinary people, even to grow orchids You do not need to use pots, because orchid plants can be attached to other plants. For the better would be more maximum if using a separate pot.

Tips for a Good Place for Ornamental Orchid Cultivation

In addition to watching the media used to grow orchids, you should pay attention to where to grow the orchid flowers.

Choose a place that has a pretty good sun intensity, because the growth of ornamental orchid plants is very affected by the intensity of sunlight received. Strive to adjust the ornamental orchid plants based on the level of intensity of the sun received so that the orchids can grow to the maximum.

Based on the level of intensity needs of the orchid is divided into three types. The first type of orchid plants that must be exposed to direct sunlight. Types of orchids suitable for cultivation in open areas are Vanda orchids, Arachnis orchids and Renanthera orchids.

While the second type is a type of orchid that can grow well in places that are not exposed to direct sunlight. The types of orchids that are suitable for this state are orchids Ancedium, Dendrobium orchids, or Cattleya orchids.

To cultivate this second type of orchid plants you need to have a special place that has been designed in such a way in order to maximize the growth of orchids you plant.

While the last orchid orchid plants are orchids do not like exposed to sunlight, so you need to put this plant in a shady location. If you have a shady home page, you should plant a type of Orchid Paphiopedilum and Phalaenopsis orchids.

Tips Altitude of Orchid Flower Pot

Another thing that is not less important in ornamental ornamental plants cultivation is the height of the place to put orchid pots. The next planting technique is to grow orchids according to the height of the planting area. Based on the height of the orchid planting place is divided into three types:

  • 1001 m altitude. If you live in a place with an altitude of 1001 m dpl type of orchid that is suitable for you planting is the orchid cymbidium and orchid miltonia.
  • The altitude of 500 - 1000 m asl. If you want to cultivate orchid species Dendrobium, Oncidium or Cattleya You need to place this plant at an altitude of 500 - 1000 m above sea level.
  • 500 m altitude. The third type is the orchid that will grow to the maximum if placed at an altitude of 500 m above sea level. One example of ornamental orchid plants that grow at this height is the orchid species Arachnis and Vanda. In addition to the height of the planting area you should also pay attention to the air circulation in the place.

A good location for orchid growth is a place with little wind. Another thing that must be considered that the air humidity so that orchid plants can flourish and produce beautiful flowers.

Tips on Choosing Orchid Flower Seeds

Before planting orchids of course you need to choose seeds that have good quality. Choose seeds that are ready to be cultivated in general a good seed is a seed that is 1 year old and already have leaves and roots.

The seedlings should be planted in plastic for 3 months, then move it into a small pot (diameter 6 cm to 12 cm). Give a little organic fertilizer during the nursery process so that the growth of ornamental orchid plants is optimal. After 3 months in a small pot, then you can move the orchids into larger pots.

How to grow Orchid flowers in Pots or Fern Boards with Exactly

There are two ways to grow orchids, namely:

  • Grown on pots
  • Tacked on a tree or fern board.
Indeed, says the orchid farmers, planting orchids is very easy and simple, but it takes patience, patience and focus. You also need to know how to grow orchids to quickly flower and maximum growth.

Well the most important in the orchid planting in my opinion is Root Orchid is not damaged, if the roots are damaged and rotten the orchids will not grow and develop properly, the plants are not rocking and drainage lancer.

Therefore, in the planting of orchids in pots, in need of pots that many holes beneath it and the laying of orchid pots must be correct to provide the growth of beautiful ornamental plants and beautiful flowers.

How to grow orchids in pots
orchid growing accessories

The equipment needed to plant in pots are:

  • Orchid planting in Plastic Pot, Soil Pot or Cement Pot.

Pots to be used should be new pots but can also use a used pot but must be with cleaning first. Used pots are generally overgrown with mosses, fungi and even bacteria. And maybe the pot is sour. For it must be cleaned until completely clean.

  • Hia orchid hull planting poles.

Better made of wire with a diameter of 2-4 mm. besides sturdy also durable. The function of this pole is a buffer so as not to shake when watering or fertilizer. So root growth is not disturbed. This buffer pole you can loose if the plant has been sticking firmly on the pot.

  • Media plant ornamental plants

Good planting medium for planting orchids that is, pieces of fern, wood charcoal, coconut husk.

How to grow orchid flowers using Pot that is:

  • Place the retaining pole until it reaches the bottom of the pot.
  • Then enter wood charcoal or cut media or coconut husk.
  • After that the orchid plants are placed over the medium and the roots are set to spread evenly. Do not forget the plant stem tied to the pole earlier.
  • The last step, above the root plus more media to taste. It should be remembered, do not let the stems of orchid plants buried by planting media. For those who use plastic pot media, at the bottom of the pot pot with fractional brick or tile to taste. can be up to 1/3 high pot. This is useful for exacerbating pots and for filters.

Tips on growing orchids
orchid growing supplies

In order for orchids to have perfect growth and have a bright flower color there are some tips you can do.

Roots of orchid seedling

After three months, in general the roots will begin to grow and usually until it pops out of the ground. Seeing this condition maybe you will immediately enter again the root that poked earlier into the ground. But, do not do it, because it will harm the ornamental orchid plants you plant. The best thing to do is to move the plant into a larger pot.

Orchids orchids

sometimes ornamental plants have high stems. To keep the stem so it does not easily collapse, you can use the support poles on the stem. This buffer pole to ensure that the orchid stems can still stand upright.

Put at the right temperature

Orchids will grow well in places that have a temperature of about 14 degrees Celsius to 36 degrees Celsius. If you can keep the temperature regularly, you can see the orchids you planted bringing out beautiful flowers beyond what is desired.

How to move orchids

Never move ornamely orchid plants indiscriminately, before removing the orchid seeds first prepare a new pot that will be used as a new place for orchids. After the new pot is ready, then you move this orchid plant.

Make sure the position is perfect and add a little bit of other planting medium like chopped fern. A few tips and how to grow orchids from me.

For you who are beginners and want to try ornamental plant cultivation is suggested to cultivate black orchid or orchid moon. Good luck and practice how to grow orchids.

So little discussion of the How to Growing Orchids PlantCare from Seed Inside for Beginners to Fast Flowering hopefully with this restriction can add insight and knowledge to all of us, thank you very much for visiting.

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