How to Plant and Take Care of Ornamental Flower Plants Waves of Love

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Waves of Love Plants - is a tropical ornamental plant that has a high attraction as an indoor ornamental plant, because the shape of leaves and flowers are beautiful.

Waves of Love is one type of Anthurium plant. Anthurium is a beautiful leafy plant native to Indonesia, while commonly used for cut flowers originated from Europe.

In our country, there are at least 7 types of anthurium, Anthurium hybridum (elephant tongue), Anthurium cyrstalinum (elephant ear), Anthurium scherzerianum, Anthurium andreanum, Anthurium rafidooa, Anthurium pedatoradiatum (wali songo), and Anthurium macrolobum.

In the past, many anthuriums became the gardens and palaces of the kingdoms in Java. It is said that he was worshiped as a plant of kings.

In general, anthurium is divided into two, namely anthurium leaf and anthurium flowers. Anthurium leaves have allure especially from the special forms of leaves.

While anthurium flowers more highlight the diversity of flowers either hybrid or species. In general, the type of anthurium flowers used for cut flowers.

How to Plant Waves of Love
Ornamental Flower Plants Waves of Love

Propagation of ornamental plants waves of love. can be done by seed and split (separation). About the way and techniques have been written in mass media and articles on the Internet. Here I am just writing about what should be considered when the split process Anthurium.

How to split can be done at the time still saplings, which separates by leaving a little tuber bonggol for the growth of roots and buds.

The easiest way is done on Anthurium that grows more than one clump. In plants that have grown, split technique is done by cutting the bonggol into several parts as long as there are still buds in the stump and a little root will cause new sapling buds.

The advantages of this method is a faster growth grows bigger than the wave of love plants derived from seeds.

And the disadvantage of split technique is Anthurium figure hard to grow rosette and compact, both canopy and leaf large and long leaves look less proportional.

However, this can be anticipated with good care and even sunlight exposure to form a good leaf canopy.

Will the broodstock productivity that comes from the split will be less than the sizes of the beans? In my experience the breeds of the split will be reduced but not too much difference with the sires of the seeds. In plant science it does so.

Note, however, that the number of seeds of cobs is also influenced by the pollination process and adequate nutritional requirements.

Each species in the ornamental plants of Love Waves also vary great cob and productivity of the seeds produced. For example, Tongkol Wave of Love can produce thousands of seeds which of course different from the type of Hybrid like Black Beauty which can only produce hundreds of seeds in each cob.

Split Waves of Love Breeding Culture Process

In order for the split process to succeed as desired, some things that must be considered diataranya namely:

  • Plants to be discharged (separation and cut bonggol) should be in good health free from pest and disease diseases less nutritious. When attacked by fungus it must be treated first until completely recovered.
  • Place a new plant or tub that is newly displaced in a shade free from sunlight until bud growth is seen.
  • Use a sharp and sterile knife to avoid decay on cutting scars.
  • Moisture of plant media need to be kept not too wet, can use sand as mixture
  • Give Fungicide / Anti-fungus on cut wounds.
  • In the humps that arise some shoots do not rush to separate them. Wait until it appears 2-3 leaves.
  • If some new buds do not grow in balance (one has grown large while the other has stopped growth) separate by leaving more roots for the slow-growing shoots.
  • Provide nutrition stimulant growth of roots and shoots with the correct dose.

How to Take Care Waves of Love

Placement Waves of Love Plant

Anthurium should be placed in a semi-shady place. Precisely, place with light intensity between 30-40%. For example, on the porch of the house, the yard under the protective tree, or room inside the window.

When placed in the house, should be placed near a window or in the sun. Anthurium is placed in the house, should be removed regularly.

At least 3 days for one full day. Because plants that are too long in the room, tend to make the leaves pale. When the room is air-conditioned, the leaves become dry and the color becomes dull green.

When placed on an open page, should use a net shading that has a thickness of 60%, which allows only 40% of the light enter. Do not be too dark, or shady. This can make the physical growth of the plant disturbed.

For example, the petiole plant sprigs of love should be short-stemmed, elongated, leaf shape should be round, become pointed, and various other changes.

Which always keep in mind, do not let our love wave decorative plants exposed to direct sunlight, ornamental plants waves of love can burn (necrosis) and destroyed has the beauty of anthurium as a beautiful leafy ornamental plant.

Watering Waves of Love Plant

Watering plays an important role to ensure the growth of healthy love decorative plants. Although always recommended, watering can not be excessive. Water can not be stagnant, or the media until muddy. In summary, watering ornamental plants love waves just useful to keep the media just moisture.

The watering is done once a day, in the morning before 10:00 or afternoon after 17:00, to avoid evaporation. In the dry season, or when the temperature is very high and the air humidity also increases, the watering schedule can be done 2-3 times a day.

If the media is still wet, watering should not be done. Watering too often causes rotten plants and leads to disease.

Try to use clean water and regardless of contamination. Watering can be done with a sprayer to the media planting, not on the leaves to keep the leaves are not torn.

Fertilization Waves of Love Plant

Basic fertilizer for anthurium is NPK. In the market now available NPK fertilizer in the form of slow release such as Dekastar or Osmocote. When using this fertilizer, fertilization is done only six months. NPK fertilizers are administered in a way around the plant canopy. The amount, following the instructions written on the packaging.

The type of fertilizer given, should be adjusted to the circumstances and growth phase:
• In young plants, use fertilizers with high N (Nitrogen) content to stimulate vegetative growth.
• When plants have reached the generative phase, fertilizers with high P (Phospor) and K (Kalium) contents may be used to stimulate flowering.

In addition to basic fertilizer NPK, should also be given manure or humus at least once a year. The manure used should be sterile. For anthurium leaves, many hobbysts add by spraying compound fertilizers, such as Gandasil or Atonik as per the rules. It is called compound fertilizer because the ingredients are not only NPK but also there are additional elements.

Care Waves of Love Plant
How to Take Care Waves of Love

The leaves are part of the most special waves of love plants. When the dirty anthurium leaves are full of dust, or tear, their degree of degradation by itself will degenerate.

To keep the leaves of our anthurium always kinclong and ngejreng, of course we need to keep it from dirt or dust. If deemed necessary, we could wipe it with a wet tissue or a soft cloth wet, every day.

Being to keep the anthurium leaves that we care about is not torn, or scorched by sun burning we should put the love wave ornamental plants in the place that we consider the most secure whether from passers-by or direct sunlight.

Sanitation Waves of Love Plant:

The meaning of sanitation here is cleanliness that includes environmental hygiene, planting media and work tools.

Keep in mind, that the state of the environment and bad weather, especially in the rainy season often trigger the emergence of various types of diseases such as bacteria or fungi. Planting media is always recommended sterile. The goal, also to prevent the emergence of fungi.

So little discussion of the How to Plant and Take Care ofOrnamental Flower Plants Waves of Love hopefully with this restriction can add insight and knowledge to all of us, thank you very much for visiting.

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