Taro Plants For You Lovers of Ornamental Plants

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Biblegardens.org - You are familiar with the taro plant ornamental ? For lovers of ornamental plants or hobby of collecting houseplants, you certainly will not miss this one plant. Heck you curious as to what it seems? Let's refer to some explanation About Plant Taro Along with its Picture below!

What is Ornamental Taro Plants?

Ornamental taro is one species of ornamental plants. tuber Cropsa group of plants of the genus Caladium ie yarns taro tribe (araceae). Stu plant that was initially grown and comes in the Brazilian jungle. But over time the plant is dispersed to various parts of the world, including Indonesia. One of the traits and characteristics of ornamental taro is the shape of its leaves.

Yup, the shape of the leaves of this ornamental taro tend to be unique and interesting, which is heart-shaped. In addition these plants are also generally has a smooth texture and contains a layer of wax. One of the things that make people fall in love with this ornamental taro plant is because the color is so pretty. Ornamental taro has a color becampur.

The leaves are not only green, but also there are red, purple to white. With beautiful color gradation like this, then the ornamental taro is indeed the right choice to beautify your home page or even a room in your home. for their own size, not too big ornamental taro that is no more than 1 meter.

Basically, this ornamental taro can live in the light, but could not direct sunlight because it will inhibit growth and make its leaves burn. Pretty plants this one seems to be happy to grow in places that are under the shade trees.

Ornamental Plant Taro shape

One that stands out from the taro plant ornamental is its shape. The distinctive feature of this one plant of all members of the plant Araceae is the typical form of flowers. Ornamental Kladi have rounded protrusion length with a blunt edge, called the spadiks spadiks and wrapped by selundang called Spata.

Color is usually memgikuti spadiks spatanya color. Spata itself has a variety of colors. But most Spata only have 2 colors such as red and green. Ornamental taro generally do not have a stem. This ornamental taro stalk only has tangible midrib.

Apart form the heart, it turns out this ornamental taro leaf juag has a shape such as oval, triangle, up lengthwise. The color combination of ornamental taro also vary and that will certainly make you fall in love.

How Ornamental Taro Plant treatment

  • Growing media

For ornamental taro plant is, of course, you have to choose the type of media suitable cropping. Basically, ornamental taro can grow anywhere. But in order for these plants to grow optimally, then cultivated planting medium used is a mixture of organic matter with a pH between 5.5 to 6.5.

Organic mixture with a pH below 5 would make the ornamental taro oertumbuhan be disturbed. The main characteristic that ornamental taro grows well not the color of the leaves will be darker. Therefore, the selection of planting medium is very important, yes!

  • Sunlight

Ornamental taro does require sunlight as tumbuuhan in general. However, the intensity of the sunlight can not be much, in other words ornamental taro can not be exposed to direct sunlight. Direct sunlight can mmebuat leaves become dry and burning.

  • Irrigation

One of the crucial issues the media used in this ornamental taro plant is moisture. Planting medium should be moist, as if to dry the plants will die even be dormant or lack of water. If your ornamental taro had dormant, then how to save her round by digging the tuber then developed.

  • Temperature

Temperatures suitable for ornamental taro is a tropical temperatures of around 21 to 32 Celsius. If the temperature is below 18 degrees Celsius, then the ornamental taro will go into a dormant phase. Well, that's why it is ornamental taro grow well in Indonesia.

  • Nutrition

Ornamental taro telalu not generally require a lot of nutrients. But to keep the growth you still have to provide nutrients, such as compost or manure. The fertilizer application should also not be exaggerated, yak arena would interfere with the color of the leaves.

Well, that's some information on ornamental taro plant. Hope can be inspiration for you. So little discussion of the Taro Plants For You Lovers of Ornamental Plants hopefully with this restriction can add insight and knowledge to all of us, thank you very much for visiting.

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